Fall 2024 D Team Registration

D Teams are a central component of the Deliberative Citizenship Initiative (DCI). These small groups of about 6-10 people share a commitment to meet regularly, get to know each other, and discuss important issues facing our society. D Teams provide a practical opportunity for individuals to engage across political and social differences, learn and practice their deliberative skills, and to inspire change.

Every D Team will meet three times in October and November 2024, and each D Team session will last two hours. 

Please complete the information below if you would like to join a D Team for the fall semester. Your responses are confidential and will help us form create teams with a variety of perspectives on them.

The DCI leadership team will form and notify all teams by mid September.

For more information about the Deliberative Citizenship Initiative and its D Teams--including the topics they will be covering this fall --please visit the DCI's website.

If you have any questions about D Teams, please email dci@davidson.edu.
Which of the following best describes you (check all that apply)?
Year in school (if student)
Age Range
How do you describe your political ideological leaning?
Race/Ethnicity (Please select all that apply)